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Old 12-19-2010, 01:38 PM
Arky Arky is offline
Hall of Fame
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 9,291

Halftime stats:

Passing: Schaub 14/20, 98 yards, 0 TD, 1 INT

Rushing: Foster 6/5, Ward 2/-1

Receiving: Foster 5/40, AJ 3/23, JJ 3/14, Dreessen 2/14, OD 1/7

Tackles: Bentley/Sharpton 4 each, Pollard/KJ/Cushing 3 each, A Smith/Allen/Anderson/GQ 2 each

3rd down conversions: Texans 3/8, Titans 3/8

Red zone: Texans 0/1, Titans 3/4

Time of possession: Texans 13:47, Titans 16:13

1st downs: Texans 6, Titans 11

Total yards: Texans 95, Titans 192

Penalties: Texans 9/66 (!), Titans 3/29
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