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Old 11-15-2010, 08:55 AM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by painekiller View Post

It's time to go find a Head Coach that exudes passion, a strict disciplinarian, and a bigger than life type. No more nice guy types.

We have never had that type here in Houston since Glanville. I am not asking for a circus, but a hardline type would be good.
What Glanville did was go out of his way to tell his players not to back down when the Steelers and Browns, heck even the Bengals, would play borderline dirty football. He said when those teams complained about the Oilers playing dirty, they were really complaining that the Oilers were growing a spine and fighting back. Life was so much easier when you could push them around.

The Texans, particularly under Kubiak, have never hit back - even when Jared Allen or Dayton Florence had over-the-top cheap shots on their quarterback.

I watched Auburn on Saturday with this DE (Fairley, Farley, something like that) who was hitting the QB late in the back with the crown of his helmet and later went for his knees. On the one hand, it sickened me to watch it and watch the officials let it go. On the other hand, I found myself saying "the Texans need somebody like that". We need some meanness, particularly on defense.

But, I agree that the passion we saw in Week 1 has been missing for a long time.
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