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Old 08-13-2010, 04:28 AM
Arky Arky is offline
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Originally Posted by Joe Joe View Post
Is hCG a masking agent? I thought it was used with steroids to prevent the testicles from shrinking by helping with natural testosterone production post steroid use. I guess it depends on what a steroid test actually tests.
I think the word "masking" has been misused a lot lately. hCG is more like an "adjuster". It's meant to make the levels "normal" after a cycle of taking steroids. So, yeah, it is indirectly "masking" but it is a real stretch to think of it that way..... The way I understand it, your body would eventually come around (weeks? months?) and normalize after a cycle of taking steroids but the hCG just speeds the process up....

Still a lot of things about this situation that don't make sense or add up - #1 being, why take anything that will get you busted in a banned substance test? Too many particulars being kept from the public right now... For example, what is Mr McNair's evidence? Perhaps we will never know...

I think public opinion thinks he's a guy who tried to beat the system and failed a drug test. I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt - perhaps he's a victim of the system - a hard-training, heavy supplement user whose body betrayed him....

At this point, I think he's just gotta keep his mouth shut and serve the 4 game suspension. Whatever caused him to fail the drug test I don't think happens again....
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