He went to high school in Columbus, and has lots of family there. I think he kinda wants to hang it up, but he's said he's a Texans fan. If he is, so are his kids, most likely. "Daddy, wouldn't it be cool if you were a Texan" can go an awful long way. Hell, no. 4 said he would've retired last year if his kids hadn't told him they wanted him to play, IIRC. I think the pats aren't in the running as much as the media thinks, since the 3-4 is a big reason why he wanted out of buffalo. That leaves us and the Seahawks. We're a better squad with better fans in a better stadium, AND we're close to home. Even taking off the battle red glasses, it just seems like too good a fit. Either he plays here, or he retires. I'd call it a coinflip at worst.