Originally Posted by NBT
So the league thought the Hcg masked the use of steroids, is that it? Because if Hcg is naturally occurring, then how can they suspend on just that? No matter what, I still think Cushing is the best thing that has ever happened to our defense. We need him o0n the field.
Well I am no doctor but from reading so many stories on this, an elevated presence can indicate a substance being used to kick start a testosterone cycle. HcG was detected in very low levels but apparently any detection at all is considered not normal, the reasons range from a health problem or part of a steroid taking regimen or from smoking pot, not to mention the other uncomfortable possibility.
This whole thing was a pointless rush to judgment, the re-vote I mean, Cushing will serve that suspension without pay for this positive test. But why the insistence on doing this so soon? Anyway, there are no winners here: the media, Cushing, the league et al.
What I want to know is how does the test work? Is it one urine test examined once? Is there any accounting for a false positive? Is there any redundancy? That and the year wait for a decision on an appeal is too long. I hope they will come up with a better system, both in terms of accuracy (maybe adopt the blood testing model used by the Olympics but even that is not perfect), and the speed of the appeals and punishment procedures. They can do this in the next CBA but will they? I can't imagine either side willing to budge on this, they will be too busy arguing over money.