Originally Posted by Bigtinylittle
My problem with this whole thread is the misuse of the word rumor. It's one of my pet peaves because I see a lot of it this time of year. The meaning of the word rumor is that something is actually happening or has happened and someone has found out about it and is passing on the information. That does not seem to be the case here. What we have here is idle speculation by some fans that is being passed off as a rumor.
I hear your point, which is why I added the [tag] in the first place with barroom adjusting the term 'rumor'. Seriously, I do consider this stuff when moderating. Almost went with hearsay, speculation, and a couple other terms less appropriate for an admin to use.
As for the definition of rumor, I get:
1 : talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source
2 : a statement or report current without known authority for its truth
...which seems applicable, but I went ahead an updated the tag anyway. I certainly don't mind idle speculation and rumor in the forums, in fact I encourage it to a reasonable extent since this is sorta like an online barroom, so long as it is described as such by the OP (which he did, thanks btw).
Also worth noting, the trade deadline is still in effect until the end of February, so even if the trade parameters were being discussed, it wouldn't be finalized anytime soon. That said, with the uncapped year on the horizon, expect far more trades than has been the norm since the dawning of the cap era.