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Old 12-19-2009, 10:49 AM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Lake Conroe
Posts: 2,897

Ok, it's been frustrating because we started out with high expectations.

Our offense is overall ranked 8th, and defense overall ranked 13th now, so they are moving up as season progresses.

Lots of young talent and coaches on the team and several significant injuries.

Plus, many heartbreaking, could of won losses, in position to win, just a missed field goal, fumble, interception away, so seems the can't do it analysis really is not accurate.

Stability on a team is one of key factors to winning, so keep the stabiltiy.

Also, I think if you are listening to AJ, he wants to stay and we shouldn't try to talk him into leaving please, we need to keep AJ.
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