Originally Posted by chuck
If I owned the team I'd try to figure out if the players wanted to play for Kubiak. Do they believe in him? Will they bust their ass for him?
Quarterback Matt Schaub insists Kubiak still has the support of his players.
"We continually support him so we've got his back,'' Schaub said. "We're all in this together. We're going to have his back until the end. We're going to fight through this thing. We have the utmost confidence in him and he in us and we're just going to continue down that road.''
Receiver Andre Johnson, who's been with the Texans since 2003, said people outside of the organization don't realize what a mess things were when Kubiak took over and how much he's done to improve the franchise. He's turned an offense that was once known for little more than Carr's repeated sacks into one of the top units in the league.
"I think he's changed the attitude of the team because he's been on teams where they've won Super Bowls and things like that so he knows what it takes,'' Johnson said. "He's just as frustrated as everybody else. He knows that we have the talent to go out and do things and get things accomplished, but it's just not happening.
I'm not necessarily a big fan of Kubiaks retention, but to answer your question apparently some of the teams key players are.