Originally Posted by popanot
Which brings us to another thing... Does Kubiak and his band of idiots know how the run a no-huddle, hurry up offense? These guys are two scores down with ~5 minutes left and they huddle up and/or lollygag around like they still have a quarter to play. This has occurred in numerous games whether it's the first half or second half. Sure if they stop the Jags on the last drive they MIGHT have enough time to score, but with the way this game was going and this season has gone, the probability of that happening is pretty slim. Why not go no-huddle earlier and try to have as much time as possible? Oh, that's right... Kubiak's a fk'in idiot!!
I think we gave this game away and am ready to string up everyone involved, but I disagree here.
Not hurrying is exactly what you do when you are down by 2 scores with 5 minutes left. In that situation the number one goal is to get the first score no matter what since the game is over without it. Then if it took too long you still have the onsides option. We did it perfectly in that all we need to do is make three tackles and we will get the ball back with over 2 minutes left (more time than you need).
Our 3rd down defense, the TD at the end of the half, lack of tackling in the end, the HB pass, the turnovers, Jacoby flaking, etc... Our team melted down here and gave the game away a dozen times without a doubt and I hope Kubiak is unemployed as a result. But that TD drive was one of the few things we did right all game.