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Old 11-27-2009, 02:01 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by Arky View Post
For the record, I believe I and others are not OK with it and would love to see winning football. IMO, a .500 team deserves to be treated exactly that way - 1/2 way up (or down for the glass half empties) the pathetic scale. I believe the original complaint from the other poster was that some people were crying and whining like this is a total disaster team - and that is just simply not the case. If I had my druthers between a disaster team and and a .500 team, I'd take the .500 team all day long....
I wasn't saying you in particular Arky. I was simply telling Chuck that I agreed with his point about the season going bad, but I am fed up with his constant reminders of the money he spends on tickets and the threats to stop spending it.

As for your assertion about a .500 team I get what you are saying. But it is more complicated then that for me. I can put up with .500 if we are getting better. I can even put up with sub .500 if we are getting better. Getting better encourages hope for the future. However, we are not getting better and I am really doubting we ever do in the team's current makeup. We are plenty good at the game of football and plenty talented, we are simply not good at winning football games.
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