Originally Posted by idymoe
The run defense has been very good lately, up until the last game. I think the whole defensive game plan was off for the Titans. There was no pressure on VY. He had plenty of time to wait on his receivers and do that little wristy pass with his feet planted. I think they should have had Cushing blitzing with man coverage and put some pressure on Vince to get rid of the ball quick. Of course, 20 points is not a huge amount to give up.
I really believe that Studdard and Meyers are ruining the offense. They get a good downfield block occasionally, but you can't run between the tackles with those two. I think the Texans needed more underneath routes against the Tits for ball controll, with no running game. Especially in the 2nd half.
I'm disappointed in the loss, but seriously, how much hysterical whining do we have to wade through after every loss. I get so tired of the "its a message board, you are supposed to express your opinion" crap. Ok, my opinion is discuss the game, but if you're so upset, grow a sac and keep the girlish hysterics to yourself.
Bring it on, Nancys. 
Me personally I think our defense has been pretty decent over the last 4-5 games. However, a pass rush is something that we have been lacking for a long time. Either our execution is terrible or the blitz packages are terrible. However you look at it our pass rush is pathetic. Our dbs damn near have to cover the receiver for 10 seconds for us to get a sack.
I have noticed that teams are using Mario's aggressiveness to their benefit. They allow him to accelerate off the LOS while the qb is prepared to just step up into the pocket (where our DTs are putting no pressure). I say blitz the Cushing in the same gap as Mario. This could at least fill that gap, however it would make us highly susceptible to screens. Execution is key.
While I have the opportunity let me add. Alot of people were really down on DRob for getting beat by Britt (I believe), me included. However I can not put that solely on him. This team was geared towards stopping the big play. (which subsequently they gave maybe once) I do not blame DRob for looking into the backfield on those play action plays. CJohnson demands that sort of attention. Sure he could've played better but I am not gonna say he sucks.