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Old 11-27-2009, 11:30 AM
Arky Arky is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
I feel the exact same way you do about this team and I agree it is pathetic we are at this point, and doubly pathetic that some people are ok with it.
For the record, I believe I and others are not OK with it and would love to see winning football. IMO, a .500 team deserves to be treated exactly that way - 1/2 way up (or down for the glass half empties) the pathetic scale. I believe the original complaint from the other poster was that some people were crying and whining like this is a total disaster team - and that is just simply not the case. If I had my druthers between a disaster team and and a .500 team, I'd take the .500 team all day long....
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