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Old 11-25-2009, 11:40 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 4,149

Such anger!

It means you expect winning now and upset when it doesn't happen. Quite an upgrade from 2005.

What disappoints me isn't the failure to pull games out at the end, it's the mistakes that kept it close to begin with. If I blame Kubiak for anything, it's a lack of imagination. Why not slip in a hurry-up offense once in awhile? Why not try Casey in a wildcat just to change it up? Tennessee doesn't have to think outside the box before our offense never does (except the SWBR).

We're a team that always seems to be less than the sum of their parts and I'm not sure how you fix that except to keep adding parts.

We do need some leaders though. We need some guys who are going to take losing very personally and get in everyone's grill about it. The Ravens' D looks great most of the team because Ray Lewis won't tolerate less than 100 percent. Coordinators come and go but I think Lewis scares his own teammates into not taking any plays off.

So, I'm disappointed but not as completely pissed as some of you. We're aren't that far away but we're not that close either.
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