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Old 11-25-2009, 08:16 AM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Fonz the Boss View Post
I had a bad feeling about the Titans game and we ended up losing.... But not this time. I have a great feeling about an upset against the Colts. I listen to alot of sports podcasts at work and everyone is writing us off already.... We'll give them something to talk about when we stun the undefeated Colts.
That's what I'm saying, with the assumption that the Texans produce another strong effort. One may argue about their game-plans and certainly the penalities have been frustrating and harmful but the effort has been there. If the coach gets any credit for having his team up for the games, Kubiak gets an atta-boy in that department.
Indy has had so many close games, so many last minute or last second wins. Give them credit, but they've also had some luck. But Indy is due, just so we don't have to nail down a win or OT with a Chris Brown kick ?
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