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Old 11-24-2009, 11:57 AM
painekiller painekiller is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Near the Galleria
Posts: 2,852

Let's go get Marty Schottenheimer. He knows how to get to the playoffs. And this team does not.

I agree with popanot, Casey and Slaton cause more matchup issues than Leach and Brown. You should design your game plan for match problems. No LB can cover Slaton, and when Casey swings out wide they defense has to account for him, unlike Leach.

I know Mario is hurt so I am not going to bust his chops, but is a hurt Mario, a one armed Mario, better than healthy someone else? The coaches should know.

When you have a roster of AJ, Andre Davis, Slaton, Walters, and can spread the defense out with this speed package, why do you stay with the package that has Brown, and David Anderson in them. Anderson is only faster then Matt Schaub, and that is it.
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