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Old 11-09-2009, 06:08 PM
painekiller painekiller is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike View Post
Nope. I really do not think the blame for the run game woes is all on the guys toting the rock. I think the problem is with the interior of the line not run blocking as well as last year.

On a personal side, LJ seems to have diarrhea of the mouth, and bad stuff just keeps oozing from his lips. I don't think they are going to disrupt the lockerroom, and he is expensive.
Once he clears waivers he can be signed sign for the league minimum due to the fact that his salary is still being paid for by the Chiefs for the rest of this season. Now he can pick his team and try for a better deal, ie multi year contract. But most of the play off type teams do not need him.

If I can sign him to the league minimum, why not.
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