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Old 10-01-2009, 09:10 PM
coloradodude coloradodude is offline
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Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
I can go further and say I will be done. Simply put, in today's NFL, it doesn't take 4 years to know what you have in a coach. You generally know almost immediately (see Ryan, Rex; Singletary, Mike; etc.). I've also basically rejected the idea of a "learning curve" for your head coach. While I might be willing to excuse a couple of mistakes in the first year, after that, it's not a "learning curve," it's simply who you are and most likely, who you will continue to be. It boggles the mind that people still give Kubiak a pass in year 4 because of this purported "learning curve." That's absolute nonsense. This is who he is. Finally, as an aside, I seem to recall reading somewhere that Kubiak is already one of the more senior head coaches in the NFL now.
I agree completely w/this post.

On a side note, our defense has a whopping 2 sacks. Two.
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