Originally Posted by barrett
It's a cop out to blame Casserly at this point. The current crew has had more than enough time to turn things around. If we fail this year it is squarely on Smith and Kubiak.
Oh, I'll be happy to gripe about them, too, when the time comes, don't you worry.
Kubiak and Smith have overseen near total personnel turnover since they took over. That tells you what sort of talent they were left with. There was more defensive talent on the first year's team than there was when Kubiak took over. That may even be true today. Think about that. Casserly took an expansion team's defense and made it worse. Under a defensive minded coach!
Casserly's total mishandling of the personnel derailed the franchise. There is no other way to look at it. Consider Babin and Buchanon. Assuming that the team had a competent GM think about the defensive players that the team could have had if they'd conserved the picks they used in those two trades that yielded the team literally nothing other than wasted time.