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Old 08-31-2009, 10:06 PM
Roy P Roy P is offline
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Posts: 2,761

DeMeco was showing what he can do when healthy. He played a Hell of a game.
Connor Barwin is going to be out Justin Tuck and I like the way Bush plays him.
The 75-yard run that Peterson started the game with was all Adibi's fault since he overran the play leaving nothing back side. Wilson, Ferguson, Barber, and whoever else we play at the back end of the Secondary is atrocious.
Very happy to see Duane Brown playing well against Jared Allen. I was hopeful that Caldwell would beat out Briesel at RG, but right now, I'm not sure who is worse.
Can't wait to see Cushing play, hopefully that will help DeMeco.
Originally Posted by chuck
I'm just sitting here thinking (pacing, actually) that whatever my issues with Kubiak he is apparently a goddam genius at tutoring quarterbacks.
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