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Old 07-01-2009, 04:58 PM
papabear papabear is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
I know why the imbalance was there and recognize that it was federal vs local handling the cases.

I also agree it is apples to oranges since we are talking about people and dogs.

It's not the fact that it was federal vs. local it's the fact that Stallworth was facing one charge (or a handfull) and Vick was potentially facing hundreds. Every dead dog they found was another count of animal cruelty. Every time they held a fight at the house it was another gambling/organized crime charge + the tax evasion charges to go with.

Stallworth also apparently manged to convince the judge that he was truly sorry for what had happened while Vick appeared to have the attitude that he couldn't understand what the big deal was at least initially.

I'm not defending Stallworth at all here either, but people keep making it a kill a person vs. kill a dog thing. When Vick's case was as much about the illegal gambling that had been going for years as it was the dogs.
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