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Old 06-01-2009, 11:31 PM
kravix kravix is offline
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Posts: 285

Originally Posted by Joel View Post
OK, i stand corrected. although being told to "get over" something i didn't actually say, on my 5th post here, seems a bit harsh.
I wouldnt worry about post count here. Opinions are taken as is. No matter how long or short your stay has been. I can assure you that unless you are "he who shall not be named" ok so he is SLY, and bring valid opinions with respect for everyone else then there is no tar and feathering waiting for you.

Just remember that this board is more thoughtful than your average board and it is ok to agree to disagree.

I took you post as implying steroid usage also, and you have to think about how prominent that subject has been in the media and how tired everyone is hearing about it.

Cushing has been hammerd with allegations for years with never any proof. The guy is a gym rat, he works out and trains non stop. Is it possible that he used yes, but he also seems the kind of person that wouldnt do it based on the adverse affect it could have on his body and carrer. He is a health nut from what I have seen and putting somethign like tha into his body is not something i see him doing.
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