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Old 05-18-2009, 02:49 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Kornheiser was good for what they wanted from him. You have to fault the network if they hire a guy to announce football who doesn't know football. He was hired to be Tony Kornheiser and he was. I thought he was mildly entertaining but pointless. It was clear they were trying to appeal to casual fans with him by sacrificing knowledge and analysis for non-football appeal. The problem is that Monday night football is not close to the cultural icon it once was. Especially since it is on a Sports only cable network now. It would appear the hiring of gruden shows that abc/espn/disney finally realized that only real football fans were watching monday night football these days and they want to hear about football.

Hopefully they also make a change and stop bringing in entertainment celebrities to hang out in the booth. This was 100 times more annoying than Kornheiser.
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