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Old 04-11-2009, 07:43 AM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Originally Posted by dadmg View Post
Yep, I'm guessing I'm the only Texans fan in South Dakota, but, believe it or not, I'm not even a Texas transplant. I was born 90 miles west of here in Wyoming and have spent all twenty-seven years of my life living in Wyoming and South Dakota.

Ironically enough, it was growing up around here that both drove me to hate the Broncos and, for the same reason, to become a Texans fan. I remember when Elway was taking the Broncos to Super Bowls and losing during my elementary school years and how there would be a sea of blue and orange garb at school around Super Bowl time. And then when the Broncos would get blown out, all the fair weather Bronco fans would disappear. This formative experience taught me to loathe fair weather fans and Broncos fans in particular. Over the years, it also made me think of why people pick their teams. For the most part, its either regional or for the same reason many people are the same political party as their parents, good old indoctrination.

For some reason, I've always like young teams or rebuilding teams. I find them fascinating. Maybe its the Madden GM in me, although I remember it going back long before that. When I first became an NFL fan I was a fan of the Bengals and Bucs in the mid-90s because they were a pair of hapless rebuilding teams and I thought both were doing a really good job of building an interesting future. Apparently interesting meant different things for those two franchises Then I drifted away for a few years. When I came back it was around 2000-2001-ish and the Bucs were an elite team but I didn't feel like a fan because I hadn't been with them on their journey. And by then I knew about Mike Brown and had no interest in rooting for the Bengals any longer. So I needed a new team. And what's a better fit for someone who likes young rebuilding teams than a team building from the foundation up? And I could get in on the ground floor of the experience, which means I'll never be accused of being one of those fair weather fans.

So that's how someone whose never stepped foot in the state of Texas becomes a die-hard Houston Texans fan. And I wouldn't trade a minute of it.
Great story Dadmg ! And thanks for the response.
"90 miles west of here" looks like it puts you around Sundance/Gillete, WY - that's definitely out there in the middle of nowhere, but I'm sure its gorgeous country (or maybe you'd have a ways to go on west before you got into the Rockies from there ?). I've spent a little bit of time in Laramie, but even that's a long ways from NE WY.
Yea you're definitely breaking in virgin territory up that way as you establish a "local fan base". When you started your explanation re the origion of your interest in the Texans I figured Kubiak (because of his time in Denver) was gonna be a factor, but guess not.
Anyway welcome aboard and we'll all enjoy this ride together as the plot thickens on the Texans journey to the playoffs (soon we hope !).
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