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Keith 11-20-2008 08:09 PM

Donald Driver's dad beaten by Houston police after dispute

HOUSTON -- The father of Green Bay Packers wide receiver Donald Driver was beaten by Houston, Texas, police officers as they arrested him for outstanding traffic warrants, Driver's family members claimed Wednesday.

As they beat him and forced him to swallow something, the officers told Marvin Driver Jr. he was "going to see Jesus," according to relatives and community activist Quanell Evans, who identified himself as Quanell X.

"Mr. Marvin Driver Jr. is now at Hermann Hospital in ICU where he can't even speak," relatives said in a statement. "Doctors say there is some bleeding on his brain from blunt force trauma."

Police said Driver was arrested for outstanding traffic warrants and was found to be "unresponsive" upon his arrival at jail. ...

jppaul 11-21-2008 08:13 PM

Is it just me or are the Houston police getting quite the rep for being inhospitable to black athletes and thier families?

Arky 11-25-2008 10:35 AM

This was mentioned last night on MNF (Green Bay vs. New Orleans). Another black eye for the HPD....

Keith 01-08-2009 11:30 PM

Update on this story...


But an internal affairs probe released says the officers did not beat Driver, and they were cleared.

Now the union is going after the man who made the allegations. ...

Blankenship is asking the district attorney’s office to investigate Driver for perjury, a criminal charge that could land him behind bars.

HPF Bob 01-09-2009 05:56 PM

There have been recent stories where Jose Cruz Jr., son of the Astros' icon, and the son of former MLB star Bobby Tolan have both had problems with the HPD. CNN implies this is a systemic problem of racial profiling among the Houston police.

teufelhunden 01-10-2009 06:07 AM

I do not think it is racial profiling. Brandon Backe also had problems with Galveston police. I think it is a combination of expected celebrity privledge and resentment on the part of the police.

Bottom line is, just because you or someone you know is a famous athlete or celebrity does not mean you can't have your head busted for acting like an idiot. Also, just because you have a badge and pistol does not mean that you can whip up on people for no good reason.

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