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Conversation Between idymoe and nunusguy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. idymoe
    04-02-2010 03:57 PM
    I was born in Lufkin. When I was in the 8th grade, my family moved to Wyoming where I finished school and went one year to U. of Wyo. Came to Houston to stay with my aunt & uncle and work for the summer and stayed 20 years. Graduated from U of H. Big Oilers, Rockets, Astros & of course Coogs fan. Moved to Boise in about '88 & gradually became a B.S.U. fan. This is a great part of the country to live & raise a family.
  2. nunusguy
    01-20-2010 01:06 PM
    I lived and worked in Boise back in the early '90s. We visited out there this past fall. One of my very most favorite cities !
    How did you happen to become a Texans plan ? A guy from Bosie State on their roster for awhile ?

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