24, 2007
Leave Petey Alone!
by Keith Weiland
dare anyone out there make fun of Petey? After all he’s been
through? His last name is Faggins! You think he’s ever had
it easy? Petey... poor guy is nicknamed after a dog! You try to
make it all through school named Petey Faggins. So he lost his man
in coverage …a few times.
A HUMAN!!!!!!111
you don’t realize is that Petey is making all your excuses
easy for you and all you do is post a bunch a crap about him. He
knows he can’t hang with Steve Smith and Marvin Harrison!
He has eyes, people! Just because he can’t cover those receivers
by himself doesn’t mean he can’t see them running past
him very, very fast!
hasn’t performed on a stage this big in years. You think his
man coverage is called “Gimme More Cushion” for a reason.
knows he gives up more cushion than Mattress Mac at a pre-inventory
sofa clearance. He can’t help he’s so nice to other
people! Try being nice to other people sometime yourself, you jerks!
lucky he even played for you bastards! He went out there with the
best intentions. He wants to stop those other guys from making big
plays. But they get NFL paychecks, too. Much bigger paychecks than
Petey ever gets!
did he ever do to you? Man coverage in the NFL is hard! You can’t
talk about someone without walking a mile in his cleats! Or without
adequate deep safety help! Can you do that? You can’t do that.
Brown leaves him alone. A lot. Bitch.
is a professional. He broke his foot last season. That really, really
hurts! Try it on yourself sometime, like right now. Your pain is
nothing compared to his! And he still came back to play in 11 games
for you, you ingrates!
He plays defense for you no matter what. Speaking of professionalism,
when is it professional to publicly bash someone who’s going
through a hard time? Go follow David Carr to Charlotte with his
fancy gloves and his cute $80 haircut and bash him!
Petey Faggins alone RIGHT NOW! I mean it. Anyone who has a problem
with him, you deal with me. And I don’t need safety help over
the top to take on any of you bastards.
you realize he’s was just a sixth round pick? Sixth! He was
cut twice by the Texans before you were begging for him to come
back. Or have you forgotten about Phillip Buchanon already?
love you Petey!
Weiland really does like Demarcus Faggins a nickel corner.
Just don't expect him to cry about it on YouTube.
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